IMG 3756

Edurne Rubio & Maria Jerez

Edurne Rubio and Maria Jerez have col­la­bo­ra­ted on dif­fe­rent occa­si­ons throug­hout their artis­tic career but A Nublo” is the first pie­ce as a co-authorship. 

They both work with a vari­e­ty of medi­ums and forms. Both explo­ring the rela­ti­ons­hip of the vie­wer as the spa­ce in which the modes of repre­sen­ta­ti­on are put into cri­sis. They under­stand the pro­cess as the moment of the­o­re­ti­cal explo­ra­ti­on and prac­ti­ce as the pie­ce takes sha­pe, always lis­te­ning to what is actu­al­ly hap­pe­ning in the moment. 

Edurne’s work is clo­se to docu­men­ta­ry and inves­ti­ga­tes on how we rela­te to the spa­ce we inha­bit. Maria’s work focu­ses on ope­ning spa­ces of poten­ti­a­li­ty through the encoun­ter with what we find stran­ge, alien.

In 2015 they sha­red pro­ces­ses within the WHAT IS THIRD” pro­ject, whe­re each of them began to devel­op a dif­fe­rent pie­ce. Edurne pro­du­ced Light years Away” and Maria, cre­a­ted Blob”, both pre­mie­red in 2016. The cre­a­ti­on of the­se two pie­ces ini­ti­a­ted the path of this new work A NUBLO, appro­a­ching together the rela­ti­on bet­ween human and natu­ral phenomena.

Out of this pro­cess they have publis­hed SKIES” (2022) Ed. Varamo Press.