Dolores Hulan 1 crop c Cassandre Sturbois

Dolores Hulan

Dolores Hulan, born 1975 in Austria, is a per­for­mer and maker living in Brussels.

She finis­hes her edu­ca­ti­on in Contemporary Dance and Pedagogy in the Anton Bruckner University in Linz/​Austria (19931997) and in the PEP (Performance Educational Program) in Leuven/​Belgium (1998) — influ­en­ti­al tea­chers inclu­de Mia Lawrence, David Hernandez, Bob Curtis, Andrew Harwood, Mark Tompkins, Mary Overly and Frey Faust amongst many others.

Ever sin­ce then she has been dan­cing and tou­ring for various cho­re­o­grap­hers as well as pro­du­cing her own work. Her career starts with dan­cing for com­pa­nies such as Esther Linley Dance Company, Bob Curtis Dance Company, Die Tanzenden and wor­king for the cho­re­o­grap­her Guillermo Horta. In Austria she dan­ces and tours nota­bly with Willi Dorner (2000÷2001) in the pie­ce back to return’ and Milli Bitterli (2006) in Die Verschleudering des Ich’, in Belgium she works and tours with HushHushHush (1999÷2000) amongst others.

From 2002 till 2006 Dolores joins the com­pa­ny Continuum/​Brice Leroux, cre­a­ting and tou­ring the pie­ces Gravitations’ and Quasar’. In 2009 she works with Mette Ingvartsen on Giant City’ , tou­ring the pie­ce throug­hout 2010, aswell as the pie­ce Encore’ from Vincent Dunoyer which she takes part in as a repla­ce­ment dancer.

In June 2010 she starts wor­king with Eleanor Bauer on the pie­ce A Dance For The Newest Age’, which had its pre­mie­re in February 2011 in Brussels/​Kaaitheatre.

Her first solo works inclu­de No Sweet Conclusions’ (2001), ‘(Blind I) walk’ (2002), Gudrun,’ (2003) and White Spaces’ (2005).

In 2007 she recei­ves the Trajectory sub­si­dies’ from the VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie Brussels), which allows her to start her inves­ti­ga­ti­on in the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween architecture/​design and dan­ce, together with Carl De Smet/​noumenon.

The research con­clu­des in the pie­ce Performing Qualia | 1 | ‘, pre­sen­ted so far in DeSingel/​Antwerp, Les Brigittines/​Brussels, Kortrijk and BRUT/​Vienna. In 2009 they recei­ve fun­ding in form of Project sub­si­dies from the Vlaamse Overheid and are sup­por­ted by various insti­tu­ti­ons in Belgium for con­ti­nuing the work – Performing Qualia | 2 | had its pre­mie­re in June 2010 in Antwerp/​Troubleyn, fur­ther shown in Les Brigittines/​Brussels in December 2010 and in Netwerk Aalst ada­pa­ted as a videoinstallation.

In 2011 she tour­ed the pie­ces Giant City” and A Dance For The Newest Age” and starts her research on a new pie­ce – REDEFINE” — with resi­den­cies in PACT Zollverein/​Essen, De Pianofabriek, Workspace Brussels and Summerstudios/​PARTS. She tea­ches dan­ce as a guest docent in the archi­tec­tu­re depart­ment in the St.Lucas University in Brussels as well as giving work­shops in Brussels, Leuven, Konstanz and Vienna.

Furthermore she has been dan­cing and per­for­ming in various impro­vi­sa­ti­on pro­jects, col­la­bo­ra­ting with, among others, Florence Augendre and Julien Bruneau.

In 1996 and 2001 she recei­ves the DanceWeb Scholarship for the ImpulsTanzfestival in Vienna, in 2000 she recei­ves a scho­lar­ship for the research pro­ject Gender Behaviour and Codification of Gesture’ led by Diane Thor (NY) in Lisbon. In 2008 she inten­si­ve­ly stu­dies impro­vi­sa­ti­on and con­tact impro­vi­sa­ti­on in New York and Massachusetts, amongst others with Barbara Mahler and Nancy Stark Smith.