Christina Clar Portrait

Christina Clar

Christina Clar is an artist wor­king in the midst of per­for­man­ce, events, instal­la­ti­ons and com­pu­ter-exten­ded appli­ca­ti­ons. She builds spa­ces with sound and ima­ge, using archi­tec­tu­re as well as phy­si­cal inter­ven­ti­ons, poe­try and media, blur­ring the limits bet­ween the mind/­con­scious­nes­s/ima­gi­na­ti­on-pro­jec­ted spa­ces and tho­se real-exis­ting” ones. These spa­ces take on dif­fe­rent forms: they can unfold in a per­for­man­ce or instal­la­ti­on, pro­du­ce an auto­no­mous struc­tu­re like a sta­ge set, appear imma­te­ri­al­ly in sounds­ca­pes or ani­ma­ti­ons, be imme­di­a­te and ephe­me­ral like sen­sa­ti­ons and expe­rien­ce in work­shops or walks. 

Collaboration and inter­na­ti­o­nal coo­p­e­ra­ti­on part­ners are essen­ti­al com­po­nents of her work. She wor­ked with Peter Sellars on con­tem­po­ra­ry ope­ra pro­duc­ti­ons for the Salzburger Festspiele, with TNC-Network at Ars Electronica Festival, with the open-sour­ce orga­ni­za­ti­on con­stant, with com­po­sers Nicolas Frize from Paris and Mark Grey from California, with the Canadian direc­tor Robert Lepage, with archi­tects Roberto Benavente (CL) and Natasha Roublov (FR), with the musi­cians Bernard Lubat, Pascal Contet , Madame Patate (FR), Nikos Veliotis (GR) and Tomás Tello (PE), with authors and direc­tors Dieudonné Niangouna (CD), Yves Arcaix (FR) and Marion Rothhaar (DE), with the fine art artists Yves Chaudouët (FR), Marcos Lutyens (US) and Peter Jap Lim (DE), and with the dan­cers Ula Sickle (CA) and Antonella Cusimano (IT), the film­ma­kers Matt Richards (AU) and Niki Meixner (AT); for a copro­duc­ti­on of the Steirischer Herbst and the Museum am Bach (AT) she devel­o­ped per­for­man­ces in public spa­ce and com­po­sed music for cul­tu­ral events in natu­re with the orga­ni­sa­ti­on UNIKUM (AT). She pre­sents her work in muse­ums, gal­le­ries, the­a­ters and ope­ra hou­ses, con­cert venues, train sta­ti­ons, hos­pi­tals and health care faci­li­ties, ephe­me­ral archi­tec­tu­res and public spaces. 

Simultaneously to her artis­tic prac­ti­ce she devel­o­ped music and move­ment work­shops with teen­a­gers and per­sons with impair­ments in Europe and Australia and trains to beco­me a Feldenkrais practicioner. 

Studies at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris (Énsb-a) and the Slade

School of Fine Art, London ; fur­ther trai­nings at IRCAM, Paris and through semi­nars across 

