Schermafbeelding 2023 04 25 om 15 50 22

Amanda Piña

Amanda Piña is a Chilean-Mexican-Austrian based artist living bet­ween Vienna and Mexico City. She lear­ned pain­ting befo­re stu­dying Physical Theater in Santiago de Chile, Theater Anthropology in Barcelona and Contemporary Dance and Choreography in Mexico, Barcelona, Salzburg (SEAD) and Montpellier (Ex.e.r.ce Choreographic Centre Montpellier). 

Her work embo­dies the poli­ti­cal and soci­al power of move­ment, groun­ded in indi­ge­nous forms of know­led­ge and world making/​maintaining prac­ti­ces. Piña is a plu­ri­fa­ceted artist wor­king through cho­re­o­grap­hic and dan­ce research, cre­a­ting and cura­ting edu­ca­ti­o­nal fra­me­works, wri­ting and edi­ting publi­ca­ti­ons around what she refers as endan­ge­red human move­ment practices. 

Her work was shown in various the­a­tres, gal­le­ries and muse­ums throug­hout the world. Since 2008 she leads the gal­lery spa­ce spe­ci­a­li­zed in expand­ed cho­re­o­grap­hy and per­for­man­ce nadaLokal in Vienna. Amanda Piña is a research fel­low at DAS THIRD, from the depart­ment of Theatre, Dance and Performance at Amsterdam University of the Arts.

© Bea Borgers