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Alice Ripoll

Alice Ripoll was born in Rio de Janeiro. She was stu­dying to be a psy­cho­ana­lyst at age 21, and took a devi­an path to start stu­dy dan­ce, once she felt very curious about pos­si­bi­li­ties of the bodies and move­ment research. Alice gra­du­a­ted at Angel Vianna’s school, which is a very impor­tant cen­ter for dan­ce and motor reha­bi­lita­ti­on and star­ted to work as a cho­re­o­grap­her.

She direc­ted many pie­ces, per­for­med a few pie­ces — most­ly of herself, and also wor­ked with actors and cir­cu artist. Currently her work embra­ces con­tem­po­ra­ry dan­ce and urban dan­ce sty­les from Brazil, through a research that opens spa­ce for the dan­cers to trans­form into ima­ges the expe­rien­ces and memo­ries that still live in each one.
Alice directs two groups: REC and SUAVE.

Her shows have been per­for­med in seve­r­al pla­ces / fes­ti­vals in Brazil, such as Panorama Festival, Bienal SES de Dança, MIT; and abroad: Kampnagel — Internationales Sommerfestival, Zurich Theater Spektakel, Noorderzo Performing Arts, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Saine-Saint-Denis; HAU, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Centre Pompidou, Wiener Festwochen.