Schermafbeelding 2024 08 27 om 15 01 23

Join us on Saturday 31st of August for the first edition of Apolemia / Performance by Lydia McGlinchey & Mario Barrantes Espinoza


[Apolemia] holds together nightli­fe and per­for­man­ce cre­a­ting a ful­ler nightli­fe expe­rien­ce. For the very first edi­ti­on @lydiamcglinchey and @marbares_ , two fami­liar faces of the Belgian per­for­man­ce sce­ne, will bring a mes­sy, cha­o­tic 4‑hour show embed­ded to the night’s music, on a built-in decor fil­ling the dan­ce floor.

Rolling through liquids, soil, trash, fur, gym equip­ment, or cakes two per­for­mers inha­bit the par­ty making it their spa­ce to flou­rish as degenerates.

Saturday 31 of August, from 23:00 until 06:00, [Apolemia] brings you 4 DJ’s and a per­for­man­ce, loca­ted in an incre­di­ble ware­hou­se that once hosted indu­stri­al design and archi­tec­tu­re pro­jects. With stri­king red beams, a glass cei­ling (yes!), towe­ring roofs, and a cen­tral dan­ce­f­loor, this spa­ce will be the star of the night.

[Apolemia] is co-hosted by Pierre Bayet, Lydia McGlinchey, Mario Barrantes Espinoza and Martín Zícari. 

Address: 161 Avenue Van Volxem, 1190 Forest

Tickets here!