Kosmotekenworkshop comms beeld

Sign up for COSMOGRAM DRAWING SESSIONS by Sébastien Hendrickx!


23+24 August

Cosmograms are objects that repre­sent cos­mo­lo­gies or world­views. They exist in ico­no­grap­hic, nar­ra­ti­ve, per­for­ma­ti­ve and archi­tec­tu­ral forms, and are pro­du­ced within sci­en­ti­fic, spi­ri­tu­al and and artis­tic con­texts. They have been around for mil­len­nia. Think, for instan­ce, of city plans of the Mayans, which reflec­ted their idea of the cos­mos, the spa­ti­al arran­ge­ment of the after­li­fe in Dante’s Divine Comedy or the con­tem­po­ra­ry spe­cu­la­ti­ve car­to­grap­hies of Alexandra Arènes. 

In two 150min work ses­si­ons we will make cos­mo­gram dra­wings on cir­cu­lar pie­ces of paper, inspi­red by dia­gram­ming tech­ni­ques and other info­grap­hics. Artists and non-artists from all dis­ci­pli­na­ry back­grounds are wel­co­me! You don’t need to be able to draw.


- doors open at 16h, work ses­si­on from 16h30-19h
- for free
- mini­mum 5, maxi­mum 15 par­ti­ci­pants pri­o­ri­ty is given to tho­se who can par­ti­ci­pa­te in the two ses­si­ons
- take your own dra­wing mate­ri­al if you want (not an obli­ga­ti­on)
- for regi­stra­ti­ons mail to sebahendrickx@​hotmail.​com