Luisa Callegari

Carolina Mendonça

CAROLINA MENDONÇA ear­ned a mas­ter’s degree in Choreography and Performance from Giessen University in Germany and gra­du­a­ted in Performing Arts from ECA-USP in Brazil. Her latest pro­jects inclu­de Zones of Resplendence (2023), which plays with femi­nist per­spec­ti­ves on vio­len­ce. In 2021, she cre­a­ted Sirens, an attempt to lis­ten to the siren song as a col­lec­ti­ve prac­ti­ce. In 2018, she cre­a­ted Pulp-History as a Warm Wet Place at Mousonturm, explo­ring int­ui­ti­ve arche­o­lo­gy to digest the remains of the 18th and 19th cen­tu­ries; use­less land, whe­re she, along with Catalina Insignares, invi­ted the audien­ce to sleep whi­le they read aloud throug­hout the night.

Carolina has also cura­ted NIDO (2022) with Suely Rolnik and Victoria Perez Royo; the Performing Arts Festival VERBO (2017) at Galeria Vermelho, Temporada de Dança (2017), and Videobrasil in São Paulo. She has devel­o­ped prac­ti­cal-the­o­re­ti­cal research on topics such as tele­pa­thy, levita­ti­on, and deep lis­te­ning, sha­ring this know­led­ge in work­shops (e.g., at Exerce in Montpellier, Tabakalera in Donostia, NIDO in Rivera, HfmdK in Frankfurt, and Teerā National Theater in Tehran). Carolina always cre­a­tes her work in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with other artists like Catalina Insignares, Marcelo Evelin, Marcela Santander, Dudu Quintanilha, and Carolina Bianchi.

© Luisa Callegari